Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Accidents in Terms of injury

There are several categories of accidents in terms of injury and these include: 
  • Slips/trips/falls
  • Falls from height 
  • Falling objects 
  • Collision with objects 
  • Trapping/crushing under or between objects
  • Manual handling 
  • Contact with machinery/hand tools 
  • Electricity 
  • Transport 
  • Contact with chemicals 
  • Asphyxiation/drowning
  • Fire and explosion 
  • Animals
  • Violence - either verbal or physical 
Health hazards

Risk assessment is not only concerned with injuries in the workplace but also possible occupational health problems. Health hazards fall into four categories;
  • Chemical - paints, solvents, fumes. 
  • Biological- bacteria e.g. leptospirosis, viruses. 
  • Physical - noise, vibration, radiation. 
  • Psychological- occupational stress. 

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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Role of Inspections - Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Role of Inspections

There are 4 broad types of inspection and these are;
  • General workplace inspections - carried out by line management or safety representatives
  • Technical inspections - of equipments such as scaffolds, excavations, lifting equipment 
  • Preventative maintenance inspections - normally carried out by maintenance staff 
  • Pre-use checks of equipment - normally done by the operator themselves. 

Risk based inspection (RBI) considers the probability of failure and its consequences. The technique is intended to get better value for money from inspection and is intrinsically linked to the risk assessment. 

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Saturday, 20 August 2016

Likelihood of Harm

When seeking to establish likelihood of harm the adequacy of control measures already implemented and complied with needs to be considered. Here national legal requirements and codes of practice are good guides covering controls of specific hazards. The following issues should then typically be considered in addition to the work activity information:
  • Number of personnel exposed; 
  • Frequency and duration of exposure to the hazard; 
  • Failure of services e.g. electricity and water; 
  • Failure of plant and machinery components and safety devices; 
  • Exposure to the elements; 
  • Protection afforded by personal protective equipment and usage rate of personal protective equipment; 
unsafe acts (unintended errors or intentional violations of procedures) by persons, for example, who:

1) may not know what the hazards are;
2) may not have the knowledge, physical capacity, or skills to do the work;
3) underestimate risks to which they are exposed;
4) under estimate the practicality and utility of safe working methods.

It is important to take into account the consequences of unplanned events.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Sources and forms of Harm

Sources and forms of harm

The sources and forms of harm are broadly - people, equipment, materials and environment;

People - commit unsafe acts, are infectious or violent

Equipment - Plant, machinery and tools have 4 broad categories of hazard associated with them - mechanical, chemical, electrical and physical.

Materials - can cause harm because they might hazardous to health, combustible, heavy, and cause slips and trips.

Environment - the environment can cause harm due to poor lighting, extremes of temperature, enclosed work space or work at height.

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Saturday, 13 August 2016

Evaluating Risk and the Adequacy of Existing Controls

Determine risk

The risk from the hazard should be determined by estimating the potential severity of harm and the likelihood that harm will occur by considering the adequacy of any existing controls.

Severity of harm

Information obtained about work activities is a vital input to risk assessment. When seeking to establish potential severity of harm, the following should also be considered:
  • Part(s) of the body likely to be affected; 
  • Nature of the harm, ranging from slightly to extremely harmful:
  1. slightly harmful, e.g.: superficial injuries; minor cuts and bruises; eye irritation from dust;nuisance and irritation (e.g. headaches); ill-health leading to temporary discomfort; 
  2. harmful, e.g.lacerations; burns; concussion; serious sprains; minor fractures;deafness; dermatitis; asthma; work related upper limb disorders; ill-health leading to permanent minor disability:
  3. extremely harmful, e.g.amputations; major fractures; poisonings; multiple injuries; fatal injuries; occupational cancer; other severely life shortening diseases; acute fatal diseases.

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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Specific Duties of the Employer to his Employees

Specific duties of the employer to his employees
a. The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far as is practicable, safe and without risks to health;

b. The making of arrangements for ensuring, so far as is practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use or operation, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances;

c. The provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety and health at work of his employees;

d. So far as is practicable, as regards and place of work under the control of the employer or self-employed person, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of the means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks;

The provision and maintenance of a working environment for his employees that is, so far as is practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities for their welfare at work.

For Safety Course Details Contact: +91 90258 02211  |

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Identifying the population at risk

A suitable and sufficient risk assessment needs to identify all those that are potentially at risk and how. When considering who is at risk it is important to r all those who may be affected by the activity being assessed, not just those directly involved. Therefore the assessment would need to consider;
  • Employees 
  • Maintenance staff 
  • Cleaners 
  • Contractors, 
  • Visitors
  • General public 
Within these groups there might be specific groups at risk such as young persons, new or expectant mothers and disabled persons (learning or physical disability) - see later in this section. 

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities

The Roles and Responsibilities of:
  • The employer for the health, safety and welfare of workers and the health and safety of those affected by work activities (e.g., visitors, employment agency workers, contractors, the public) 
  • Diretors, managers and supervisors 
  • Workers for the health and safety of themselves and others 
  • The self-employed for the health and safety of themselves and others 
  • Consultation with employees: benefits of consultation, worker representatives, safety committees 
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